For more information on Immune Function Analysis, NK Cells, Immune Boosting, and Cancer Treatments.
2nd Floor Urbis Building, AETAS Residence, 53 Soi Ruamrudee, Phloenchit Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
(retail price: $1850 USD)
Included Tests: CBC, NK Count & Activity, CA Markers, and Inflammatory Markers.
Includes 1 Time: IV Nutrition, IV Ozone, IV Laser, and Immune mRNA Injection.
Includes 1 Months: Astaxanthin, Curcumin, NADH, Quercitin, and Resveratrol.
For more information on Immune Function Analysis, NK Cells, Immune Boosting, and Cancer Treatments.
53 Soi Ruamrudee, Phloenchit Road, Bangkok 10330,
Thailand: +6626507709
Email: [email protected]